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[Rhogogaster chlorosoma F] La larve sur Filipendula ulmaria et l'imago Rhogogaster ?chlorosoma (Russie)

Sirex, Tenthrèdes, Arges ... ces Hyménoptères n'ont pas la taille fine.

Animateurs : lauzette, baudric

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Animatrice - Admin-galerie
Enregistré le : mercredi 7 octobre 2015, 20:12
Localisation : Plateau de Millevaches

La larve sur Filipendula ulmaria et l'imago Rhogogaster ?chlorosoma (Russie)

Message par lauzette »

C'était si facile... C'est effectivement bien Rhogogaster chlorosoma :D

1. (aa) Terga more or less green, dorsally largely black and often forming a more or less broad median black stripe on the abdomen

2. (bb) Black color of the head usually more extensive and forming a ‘∞’(Figs 4b–l): only upper parts of frontal ridges green, frontal field and frons between antennal furrow and inner eye margin largely black, the black parts fused above the antennal sockets, or face mainly black with small green spots on the upper frontal ridges (rarely completely black without green spots), exceptionally in very pale specimens the black mark above the antennae dissolved in small black spots.

3. (a) Occiput green, only black close to the foramen magnum and on the lower part of the back of the occipital area.
Vertex beside postocellar area green, the black marks on the frons only reach the anterior parts of postocellar area.
Mesoscutellum and its appendage green, without black line between them.
Aime-toi, le ciel t’aimera...
Despise not the weak : the gnat stings the eyes of the lion.

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Enregistré le : mardi 22 novembre 2011, 6:54
Localisation : Moscou

[Rhogogaster chlorosoma F] La larve sur Filipendula ulmaria et l'imago Rhogogaster ?chlorosoma (Russie)

Message par Vitaly »

Merci :)
Alexander Boldyrev

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